标题: 《The Star Party》作者: - Robert Lory【EPUB】 [打印本页]

作者: zaq    时间: 2014-9-18 10:23
标题: 《The Star Party》作者: - Robert Lory【EPUB】
THE STAR PARTY BY ROBERT LORYI feel bad about the killing especially since it wouldn’t have happened if I’dlistened to Vicki. We should stay away from Hadley’s party she said. She hadreasons—none of them the right one but she had reasons. “These things are always such bores” she complained as she put up herlong blonde hair. “I can’t stand your Madison Avenue beetle-brains playing their characterroles” was her reason as I started the car. “They’re all a bunch of mashers” she said as we entered the elevator inHadley’s building. “And Hadley’s a lush” she snapped when the elevator arrived at the ninthfloor. I was pressing Hadley’s buzzer when Vicki sounded her last poutingargument. “His breath is repulsive too.” I nodded agreement just as I had nodded agreement with everything elseshe had said. I pointed out in rebuttal that to get established on the Avenue suchthings were necessary— the parties the mashers and Hadley’s bad breath. Ididn’t say anything about Isvara. Though Vicki didn’t know him Isvara was whywe were showing at this particular party. The door opened and sounds of loud good fellowship flooded the hallway. Afat and drooling Hadley blocked the view of the goings-on inside. “George old man And lovely lovely lovely Vicki” We stepped in andHadley stumbled his way to the closet dropping Vicki’s coat before making it. Hewas loaded already. “My and how beautiful you certainly do look” he said returning to Vicki’sside. The slob was right of course. He had one lone talent but it was enough tomake him a high-salaried art director. He could judge beauty. And Vicki— tallblonde and shapely in her silver gown—was female beauty itself tonight “Hey kids look who’s here—it’s Georgie Bond. Ho there wonder boy”These words bubbled forth from the most loudmouthed account executive in NewYork. How Breem ever got along with clients was beyond my understanding. Hedid have a way with words though—so I grimaced waiting for the sequel to the“wonder boy” he’d just tagged me with. It came with a sickening guffaw: “Yes sir we all wonder boy how you evergot yourself a woman like that. Haw ha ha.” We haw-ha-ha’d our way through Hadley’s living room and dining roomreceiving greetings ranging from halfhearted smiles

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